Fantastic Picture Books About Worrying

I am a worrier, always have been and always will be! Something that has helped me though, is reading picture books about worrying! The connection of seeing someone else face the same problems as you is very comforting and reassuring.

I love to share these books with my class because everyone is worried about something at some point and it is beneficial to know how to handle those emotions. I have also used some of these books when counseling a small group of Kindergartens to talk about the unknown of school. Side note- *I have my masters in school counseling * if you did not know!

Favorite Picture Books About Worrying

These are some of my favorite picture books about worrying! Click the link to view on Amazon.

When you decide to read picture books about worrying with your class, make sure you have a positive focus on a solution. You should focus on a strategy to cope with your feelings if you have a worry, how to tell someone about it, and what you can do in the moment to solve the problem.

You don’t want your students learning to identify all of their worries then feeling more worried about how to handle them! I love using books that focus on social emotional learning in my classroom! Here I talk about books regarding bullying.

What is your favorite social emotional skill to discuss with your students?

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